Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Heath: Return of the Crap

Okay, more Sex (don't-have-sex-or-you-will-die-even-though-its-one-in-four) Ed today.

Less pronunciation slaughter today.

More Crap.

I understand their argument, BUT IT DOESN'T WORK.

As Doogles said, 80% of teens who take "The Vow" break it. Before they are married. Also, I would like to point out that ALL of the people who were over 18 that she talked about had THE WORST luck. It was all "My husband cheated", or "He cheated", or "I married someone who had an STD already." You know what? Too BAD!

Also, the "Number vary depending on who did the study" crap was not needed. Of COURSE they vary! If you take the same study Twice, It WILL vary! Unless you ask the SAME people, in which case it is NOT A GOOD STUDY.
Barret, you have a good point of the Gross out factor. That IS lame. Totally (Like, Totally, Like, did you see that, like Guy?*). You cant base the majority of ANY argument (that is good) on a gross out factor if your audience has a maturity level greater than that of a Two year old (Bo, Sorry, you are gone).

The 2 vs. 25 factoid was WRONG. They WERE STILL THERE. Maybe A FEW mutated. But, to the extent of my biological knowledge, A disease DOES NOT change COMPLETELY in 40 years. Try 400. Or 4000. I could go on...

She asked "Why are there more?". There aren't. Putting that aside, they are more common because of two factors:
  1. The media. It is MUCH more acceptable to talk about sex now.
  2. Travel. The speed at which a disease can travel around the world is MUCH higher now.
Also, If you think about it Almost ALL diseases can be STD's. Lets take the Flu (influenza). When you have the Flu, you stay home and DON'T come in contact With ANYONE. Sex is the ULTIMATE way to transfer a disease.

Scott: The republican fact is TRUE. I'm sorry. The Republican party Funds Abstinence-only Sex ed. It May be that the republican party is in control, but I doubt that. I get the feeling that It is because of the fact that most of the republican party leans heavily on the Catholic Church. :-)

Of course that raises the Question of: "If Not Abstinence Only education, What do we teach?"

I suggest A "We-Don't-Want-you-to-have-sex,-because-this-can happen-but-If-you-do-have-sex-Use-a-Condom-And-here's-how." Education. This would get the kids (20%) who DO keep their abstinence vow, to not have sex, AND it would get the kids who don't to have Safe sex (Which STILL is the term). They Really WOULD have safe sex, because the failure rate of condoms is MOSTLY that the kids don't know how to use them.

Bacteria-> Virus?? Scott, I'll let you take that.


Next: the pill?

*Yes, this IS teenage Drama-Queen-Speak. Like totally.


Eric said...

Haha. That was okay, but now I think I might have to do a blog like this. It's 88% who break the vow by the way. I loved the way she used the 1/4th statistic to try and scare us, but then in her six people simulation, four started out with STDs. And the water that Abe was bringing to the marriage was fresh water, not the water he washed his mouth out with.

Anonymous said...

i posted something about the bacteria ---> virus thing on either scott or eric's blog... either case it's worth checking out...

very good arguement...

i also totally blew away that one # of kids in the 50s thing... thats on scott or eric's blog too...

sorry i dont rememeber.

Motor.On said...

The name of my new typ of education is HUGE

Scott said...

Eric - she didn't even use 4/6. Two of those people were supposed to be virgins, so the four sexually active started out with STDS, 100% compared to 25%. Also, today the health teacher pointed out that she told us the hymen was inside the vagina, when really tis outside.

Scott said...

Anyway, read my blog. I've got more crap on this.