Friday, July 15, 2005

The War on Drugs and other rants.

FYI Washington: It doesn't work!

Wonder why? Because you can't get rid of drugs permanently! "The War on {insert noun of your choice}" Never works. It always ends up wasting money. Sure, you can win a war against a country, maybe a war against a continent, but not against something like drugs.

If you are going to try to improve the situation, you should take the most cost-effective way out, right? Well, apparently Washington doesn't want to do that.

Here's a quiz:
The best way to get a druggie to stop doing drugs is:
(a) Jail Time
(b) Rehab
(c) Nothing. He'll get a calling from God, and pull out of it on his own.

If you chose (b), you're Right! Whoo!

Now, lets do a similar quiz, but this time it's CHEAPEST way:
The cheapest way to get a druggie to stop doing drugs is:
(a) Jail Time
(b) Rehab
(c) Both

The correct answer is (b).
It costs something like $200000 taxpayers dollars to send that druggie to Jail (Room + board) for a year, while it costs something like $20000 for that SAME druggie to get rehab to quit drugs.

Now, does Jail actually asses the problem? Nope. Rehab does... Rehab FIXES the problem (to an extent).

Now, with Washington handing out tax cuts every other week while spending something like $1B a day in Iraq, which is going to impact the deficit less? $1M (5 years) or 20 grand per druggie? Which solves the problem (more)?


RUN AND HIDE! The boogeyman is going to get you! Run away! WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE! AHHHHHHHH!

***Thank You. We now take you back to your regularly scheduled program of: “Fake and Faker: Real Reality”***

Remind you of anything? Maybe TERROR (WE ARE ALL GONNA DIE!). Oops, looks like I provided a view apart from what the government wants. Guantanamo, Here I come!

Once again, you CAN NOT WIN THIS WAR! Unfortunatley, there is no cost effective way out of this one besides, DROPPING IT! How about Bush admits to his first mistake and says, “Hey, I screwed up. We can’t win this war, so we are just going to improve security. Next time we invade, we won’t make crap up by shoving it down the CIA’s throat and just say, ‘We don’t like you. You are not a nice person, and we want your Oil for free so we are gonna invade you.’ I am sorry I caused you any trouble.”

Just stick with me for this next part.

Lets think about what good the DHS color thing does for us. Whenever someone somewhere is attacked by terror, we say “Run and hide” by turning up the color from Goldenrod to Tangerine. When we are being attacked, we say “OH MY GAWD! WE ARE GOING TO DIE” and turn the color up to Magenta (after changing our way of life). What is your response? Fear? What response does terror cause? Fear. Isn’t this a form of “terrorism” being performed by the government that declared war on it? Think about it. The purpose may have been good, but a terrorist will NEVER attack when the color is above goldenrod. Would you punch someone who has their hands up in defense instead of waiting three months when their hands are down? Not if you plan on being a suicide bomber. If you are going to kill your self to kill others, you might as well wait until it hurts them most!

The entire purpose of terrorism is to change your way of life through fear. Therefore, They already won. We completely changed our way of life after 9/11, not just improving security, because that was necessary, but forgetting (as Michael Moore calls it) our BS sense. When you are confronted by crap and think “BS!” We lost that when we declared war on terror.

That reminds me...

The "Iraq got Yellow cake from Nigeria" story was NOT approved by the CIA. They knew (and told Bush) that the source was highly unreliable and then they sent in an agent (before the war) and HE said it was crap!



Eric said...

You're sorta right. Some parts of what you say are massive FUD on your part and I'm not sure who's feeding you that stuff but somebody is, so use your finely tuned BS sense and remember that Americans still have the first ammendment. So you CANNOT be sent to a detainment camp for writing on your blog. And have you ever actually read the Patriot Act? You're right, you can't win a war on drugs, so yes it is misnamed. So? Politicians, companies, even ordinary citizens have been misnaming stuff for centuries. And the cheapest and most effective way to stop a druggy from doing illegal drugs is to kill him. The second most effective is to make the drugs legal. Also, all this s*** about terror and s*** is just that... s***. Yeah let me clarify that. It's good to not change too much because of terror. But it would be foolish not to take precautions. And warning the public is a precaution. Of course, that throws you into an infinite loop. It makes sense to not do a bombing or something when the alert is high. But we know that, so we'll expect it when the alert is low. But they know that we know that so they'll do it when the alert is high. But we know... you get the picture. Oh... what makes you think we want Iraqi oil? Well ok we do, but America is NOT a country that invades people who are selling us oil to get it for free. And countries are nouns. Can I see your research for the jail / rehab costs? Yes, there are too many tax cuts. Let's use a flat rate tax. We can't drop the War in Iraq. We just can't. Some evil dictator will step in and take control again. Now we have to make sure that we finish what we started or we'll become even bigger targets. And who gives a f*** about yellow cake? We said that we thought there were WMDs and we were wrong. EVERYBODY thought there were WMDs. Saddam even kicked out the UN inspectors. It's like saying "Nope I don't have a gun but you can't see what I have in my pocket. Yes I know I lost a war against you. Bite me!" If I think of more I'll post it.
PS: I thought of more. A war is easier than an occupation. Always.

Asif said...

The only reason anyone (in the U.S. at least) though Saddam had WMDs this time around was because of the intelligence disaster brought around by the Bush administration. When you have high-level executive branch officials (like Dick Cheney) going over to the IC and pressuring them for fake/doctored intel, then you're going to get it. I mean, in the end, the IC is just part of the executive branch, and if the President and his Cabinet really want, they can get whatever intel they like. And then you have Colin Powell giving his little speech before the U.N. I still remember watching it in Discovery during 6th grade. Sorry, but I don't see mobile chemical weapons factories or leftover ICBMs. Saddam was willing to let inspectors in (in 2003, not in 1991) to show the world he was clean, but no, America wouldn't listen to the rest of the world, we had to skip the U.N. Security Council and go in ourselves. At the time of the invasion, Saddam was not blocking the U.N. guys! America wouldn't give him a chance to prove he was innocent (of possessing WMDs at the time).

I'm not saying that Saddam is good, but I would like it if Bush would 1) admit that there were no WMDs and his administration helped mislead the American public into going to war, 2) drop his stupid 'Iraq liberation' theme that he adopted after we found no WMDs, and 3) resign.

If Bush wants to go after rogue states with WMDs, he doesn't have to look that far. Iran moved most of its nuclear facilities underground, and show no sign of dropping their nuclear ambitions. If anyone wants to be a new power in the region, it's them. They can't stand the fact that Israel got nukes and they don't (Pakistan doesn't count because they're too busy watching India). And then there's North Korea. If you want to go after anyone, it's them. They have some crazed dictator who starts and stops diplomatic talks depending on his mood, and publicly announces he has nukes and is going to test one. Now THAT'S a WMD problem.

I have no problem staying in Iraq now that we've invaded (and after Afghanistan 1989, we really need to make sure we stabilize THIS country), but I wish people would stop trying to argue the 'reasons' for invading in the first place.

Scott said...

The only reason anyone (in the U.S. at least) though Saddam had WMDs this time around was because of the intelligence disaster brought around by the Bush administration.

bahahahahah!!! bahah!

So far this blog is nothing but a big fat America bash-fest. If you don't like the country, leave. We don't want America haters here. Do either of you ever have anything bad to say about other countries? All i ever hear is "Europe is so great because [insert some BS reason here]" or "We should be more like [country] because [more BS]". When was the last time you ever backed America on anything? Oh wait... I forgot. Every single Clinton move ever made was god's gift to earth, but everything bush does is wrong. To bring out the "no black and white "thing - how do you see the world in gray? What traditional republican view do you share in addition to your liberal views? I see the world in grays, not black and white - you said it yourself. My abortion view is one good example. What about you? You seem to pretty much be against everything republican. Sounds pretty black and white to me.

Anyway, statistically speaking it is very unlikely for America to be wrong every single time they do something for eight years, and at the same time for Europe to be right every single time. THere's gotta be something we've done right. To maintain any credibility (or to prove your "gray" theory), why don't you write a rant about how much Europe sucks or something like that? We've seen that you think America under Bush is shit... What about Europe? There's no point in writing that America is wrong anymore, your views are becoming more and more predictable.

Motor.On said...

I maen the war on TERROR, Eric. NOT Iraq. Even though he could admit he was wrong every once in a while.

Anonymous said...

eric no one has ever read the patriot act except the people who wrote it (i.e. neo-conservative fat cat assholes)...

the government's war on drugs is focusing too much on pot (i.e. marijuana)... let's see what are some drugs worse than that? HOW ABOUT ALL OF THEM! heroin, meth, cocaine, crack... everything is worse than pot... alcohol and tobacco are worse! and they're legal! lemme pitch ya a fact: no one has EVER DIED IN THE HISTORY OF FOREVER FROM SMOKING TOO MUCH POT!too much alcohol? yes. too much tobacco? yes. too much heroin? yes. too much crack? yes. too much meth? yes. too much cocaine? yes! anyways anything the government declares war on nowadays you can be sure it's complete bullshit... :)

p.s. i have never done alcohol or pot... i've technically done cigarettes cuz i've been to concerts at bogarts...

Anonymous said...

scott chill... pointing to other countries strengths helps us improve ourselves... we go hey! that's a sweet idea... and we can also go... hey!that idea fucking sucks! look the thing of the matter is clinton was a dick, bush is the 'idiot son of an asshole', hilary clinton is a bitch (that whole GTA thing pisses me off so much), anyone we can elect besides: john edwards, or john mccaine is a total shitbag. those two should definately run... i would vote for them...

the thing is we dont need to come out an announce whenever we're for cuz that can be totally boring... "jee i sure looooooove tax cuts!"
"yes i quite agree"
"...uhhhh yeah..."

we need to concentrate more on the supreme court issue otherwise this country is gonna turn mighty right mighty fast


Motor.On said...

Barret, not to throw flak at ya, but pot is really poisonous. Like No 2 most poisonous plant on Earth...

Why then put the burning, poisonous plant in your system?