Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Pat Robertson

Okay real quick, we heard him speak at JSA

Wiki him.


Edit this later

Monday, February 06, 2006

Abortion/ Other stuff MKII

Okay a few things.

First St Gertrude.

You may or may not remember the little white crosses. Well, they went down n Sunday (YEA)

ST. Gertrude (S.G.) claimed that "4200 abortions per day in the US cannot be right"

Well, Guess what! I am going to contest that.

According to the census Bureau, there are 4.0 million births per year. this is about 10 958.9041 births per day. That means that according to S.G, for every 2.60926288 babies born, one is aborted. Yeah right. 2.5? Thats unrealistic.

Now because this is going to get heavy, I am listening to the Jack Johnson song "Upside Down for the Curious George Soundtrack.

YOu may or may not know this, but COdy posted a song/ poem (not sure which)

"America the Beautiful,
or so you used to be.
Land of the Pilgrims' pride;
I'm glad they'll never see.

Babies piled in dumpsters,
Abortion on demand,
Oh, sweet land of liberty;
your house is on the sand.

Our children wander aimlessly
poisoned by cocaine,
Choosing to indulge their lusts,
when God has said abstain.
From sea to shining sea,
our Nation turns away
From the teaching of God's love
and a need to always pray.

We've kept God in our temples,
how callous we have grown.
When earth is but His footstool,
and Heaven is His throne.

We've voted in a government
that's rotting at the core,
Appointing Godless Judges
who throw reason out the door,

Too soft to place a killer
in a well deserved tomb,
But brave enough to kill a baby
before he leaves the womb.

You think that God's not angry,
that our land's a moral slum?
How much longer will He wait
before His judgment comes?

How are we to face our God,
from Whom we cannot hide?
What then is left for us to do,
but stem this evil tide?
If we who are His children,
will humbly turn and pray;
Seek His holy face
and mend our evil way:

Then God will hear from Heaven
and forgive us of our sins,
He'll heal our sickly land
and those who live within.

But, America the Beautiful,
if you don't - then you will see,
A sad but Holy God
withdraw His hand from Thee.

~Judge Roy Moore"
Okay, Thank you Scott (Seriously) for your comment "that is some serious demo-crap"
Because it's not.

First, it says "God" 8 times.

The democratic party is mostly secular.

It also says "Holy" twice, with out "crap" or "cow" or something else behind it. Way, religious.

Numero Dos as they say in Cuba:
"Babies piled in dumpsters,/Abortion on demand,"
How is that reflecting of the party that wants the right to choose?
"But brave enough to kill a baby/before he leaves the womb."

Trois as those frenchies say:

Mentioning God's retribution?

There are many other things to prove this is a very religiously-oriented letter/poem/song.

5: This one's a killer.

A quick Wikipedia search of Judge Roy Morris (The author) shows he is running for Repblican govenor of Alabama.

Of course, the extreme left and extreme right are really pretty close.


Hitler was extreme right.
Stalin was extreme left.

Point proven.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

"Watch one of the balanced networks, like FOX"

Yes, that is an actual quote from a family member.

First off, to clarify. I am not ging to say there is a liberal or conservative media, just one network. A.K.A FOX.

I honestly don't know how one could truly beleive that FOX is "fair and balanced."

With shows such as "Hannty and Colmes" and "the O'Reily Factor", it doesn't seem very fair. While Hannity and Colmes may have a Righty (Hannity) and a lefty (Colmes); It is not near a balanced show.

There are two reasons I see this as such. First: Alan Colmes is the biggest wimp in the party of wimps. Democrats are pretty well known as professional LOSERS. Out of this group, Cmles stands out for his weakness, and inaptitude to make a strong point.
Second: Script anyone? the show is presented much like the agument for Intelligent design. We have three pro intelligent design guys, three against. All Scientists. But wait! the scientific community is more like 10000 against to 3 for. FOX will pull in a conseravtive guest, and him(her) will rant along with Hannity. They will ask what Colmes thinks, and at the risk of his job, he will meekly throw in some Bogus. Hannity and His guest will promptly tear it apart with their views, and thats the show.

Now, O'Reilly. As Al Franken once said (or typed, depending on how accurate you want to be) "Lying, splotchy bully". I will refrain from attacking his skin disease, because that is not within his control. About the show. Balanced? Put an elephat on one side of a tetter totter, and a donkey on the other. Se which way it tips. Thats how balanced his show is.

for Example: I was on spring break, in Colorado skiing with my family and a friend's family. One morning, my friend and I decided to stay in the hotel room for the morning, then go skiing in the afternoon. We don't have much to do, so we turn on the TV. As I am channel flipping, I see that O'Reilly is on. Good Fun. As it turns out, this was soon after the terri Schaivo Incident. So, what is O'Reilly foaming at the mouth about? Terri Schaivo. Big surprise.

o'Reilly had found some amazing pasto who claimed that Schavo had "bent her head" and "closed her eyes" when "I began to pray." What is this?

Oh well, Don't get into a Schiavo Argument, thats not what this is about.

Remeber, when you want to see balanced, read BBC.

And thats a wrap!

Wednesday, October 05, 2005


This guy is a moron, and probably lying.

Heres the story

Wow, One of two things has happened here.


a) He's lying, nobody will care in 3 months besides those morons in the south who get the original story, but not the "Whoops, we screwed up" story.

b)Doctors started out with a screwed up analysis, and he just lost some muscle function.

c)Well, I know that there are nly two, but screw that. The news overexaggerated it.

the most likely thing is c), because that makes the most sense, partially because the right hasn't jumped at the bait, screaming it across the nation at light-speed.

Okay, I don't want to post more now.

Say what ya think!

Fat Wreck Chords

Okay, Barrett. here goes Nothing!

Ya, barrett has no official affiliatio with this post, BUT, he was the one who showed me the light and ways of truth. A.K.A., He introduced me to NoFX and None More Black.

Fat Wreck Chords was founded in 1990 by Fat Mike of the awesome band NoFX.

Okay, since then they have been supporting the punk scene. They also are, due to their punk ideals and general awesomness, liberal.

This is the label that released Rock against Bush! Wh00t!

Okay, I lost steam. The entire point of this is that I got a kool banner-type thingy fo them!


Thursday, September 29, 2005

Gay Marriage

Okay, Now a post about Gay marraige.

Before I start Ranting, and you stat foaming at the mouth, Realize this. I AM NOT GAY!

Now to where I rant.

First off, This is the exact same thing that happened in the era between the Civil War and the Civil Rights Movement to Black people.
It was illegal to treat them as subhuman, but white men were more human than blacks, hispanics, and women.

Now it is illegal to discriminate in the workplace, and that there are laws against racism, plus culture's hatred for it. But, the white men who want to be the majority still find this need to discriminate.

Now where you foam at the mouth.

The first outlet is always those who are different in outward ways. Skin color, Height, Hair color, Gender, whatever you want. So we make fun of/Hate Mexicans. "Q: There is a black guy and a mexican in a car. Who's driving? A: The Cops."

Is that NOT Outward racism? Honestly?! How is that tolerable? Because whites consider themselves a majority? Because that is shrinking guys! Notice that Ploticians focus on controlling Hispanics as much as they focus on controlling Whites? Its a sign!

Then we find a way to discriminate against those who ae different than us in mental /political /moral issues. Here is where Gays come in.

During this part, feel free to throw a chair, or other large blunt object at that photo of me you found, just not AT MY Real body. Vent your anger elsewhere.

Imagine this scenario. Two identical twins are in high school. They are both White, tall and good-looking. One is Gay, the other straight. Who will be liked by his peers? That's right, the straight one if the gay one reveals his desires.

He could be shy, and somewhat social, Kind, caring, a good christian, but if people know he is gay, Pfft. There goes all respect for him.

Because of one defective gene that he has no control over, He catches about as muck flak as you can get. His popularity drops like a stone, even if he doesn't flirt with guys, or stuff like that. He is treated like a pedophile. People HATE him for something he cannot control.

What is one of the most popular insults? "YOURE GAY!" Why? because people hate gays. It is the same thing as saying to a white guy, "YOURE BLACK."

Does any of ths make sense?

No. But it happens.

Please control your Boiling blood, and do NOT shoot me, or my friends, or family.

Then, needing a legitimate way to discriminate against Gays, we make up a reason.

RELIGION! Of course! Jesus was some darker-skined guy in Isreal who loved his neighbor as himself, and forgave all that asked for forgiveness, so he MUST hate Gays! Of course!

WHere in the bible does it say that being gay is bad?

Actevalation 4:67! Of course! and ... Moses 2:36! and....

Point proven?

Does the bible define marragie? Not to my knowledge. (feel free to correct me, but you better tell me a REAL chapter in a REAL book.) Either way, it doesn't define homosexuality as evil!

So why can't we at least say "Hey, I don't want to be involved, but You go ahead"? Why?

Shouldn't civil Unions be allowed at least? WHY NOT? Give me a dozen good reasons. That don't involve your personal fear of the unknown.

So to conclude...

  1. We ARE discrimanatory, even though that was supposed t have stopped 60 years ago...
  2. There is no basis in religion against homosexuality
  3. At least alow Civil Unions! C'mon!
Have fun Foaming!


Monday, August 15, 2005

Energy + the Envronment. Can they Coexist?

Now, I haven't really fufilled the Tree-hugger portion of my Blog, so I shal now attempt that.

The Arctic National Wildlife refuge.
In the Words of the Fish + Wildlife service:

But thats pretty boring.
Basically, its a big national park in Northern Alaska. There are a bunch of endangered Animals in it, and supposedly a bunch of Oil.

Oil and the US.
According to Source 2 (s2), the US used ~19.7 million barrels of oil each day in 2002. Correct me if I'm wrong, but this adds up to 7.1905 Billion barrels of oil consumed in 2002.

according to s3, the ANWR, has 16 Bil barrels of Oil. Cool, 2 years of all the US's oil, without imports, right?

Maybe, but most likely not. Oil drilling is a lot of luck. You have to hit the well, or you just dug a big hole. A big hole, that destroys the area.

Even if they have the luck of the Irish, they still are going to destroy 2000 acres of land!

Oil and the ANWR.

This is the sticky part.

Okay, so lets assume Congress gives the OK, because our oil friend in the big White bulding is gonna say OK, they start to drill.

2000 acres of Oil drills are set up in a wildlife park. How would the public react if Yellowstone was opened for Logging?

2000 acres where The Moose and caribou can no longer roam freely. THey have to worry about the big Oil drills. And the workers. And the Workers housing.

2000 acres where, if they are by the Ocean, the Walrus(s?) can no longer swim, becuase of the noise. The Seals have to fish elsewhere.

2000 acres where something is going to go wrong.

A river Otter is moved out, becuase of the good of the US.

Oil Drilling and transportation.
How do you transport 1 million barrels of Oil? not in barrels. You are going to use:

An Oil Rigger!

Unfortunately, when transporting these 16 Billion barels of Oil, Something is going to go wrong. Maybe a careless worker leaves empty barrels in a field. Nw something is going to get inquisitive, and probably die.

Or, a shipwreck. Lets assume it is going light. 1 million barrels of Oil spill across a pristine Ocean, and beach. Animals cannot deal with this. Whales coming up to breath are poisoned by Oil entering their lungs. Gulls are trapped by the Oil, thus losing their ablity to fly. Countless fish are killed, thus creating an imbalace of food for the animals. Predators starve. If you are feeling patritic, worry about the Bald Eagles trapped like flies in a Spider's web.

All for Energy! So you can miserably drive to your miserable job, and feed your miserable kids in a miserable household.

Nuclear Energy and You.
Most likely you have never been near a nuclear power plant. The closest is in Oak Harbor Ohio, ( near Toledo).

The fact about Nuclear power in the US is it is extremely safe. You can literally crash a full speed F16 into the containment building wthout leakage. 10-20ft thick concrete does marvels.

Most people worry about a Chernobyl-type incident occuring, but the chances of that are close to nil. At Chernobyl, the reactor was contained in a GARAGE! Not only that, but the coolant (Graphite) was shut down by the moronic personell, who have conveniently removed themselvs from the gene pool.

For an explosion of that type to happen in the US, you would have to purposefully build a bomb. Then again, you might be foiled by rods of Graphite sticking into the reactor, thus shutting it down completely.

If you know hoe the coolant works, once again there is the fact that there are three interlocking loops (at least) of water. To show this, loop your fingers into two rings.
If there was water flowing through the pipes (fingers), the water would not interchange between them.

| w2 |
| +---+ |
| | w1 | |
| +---+ |
See? the contaminated water from the reactor is in w1. The water never enters w2! Unless, there is a break. In this case, w2 becomes contaminated. Also, the control room knows almost immideately. There is a second loop like this before the turbine, which provides power. The water for the turbine is from a lake, river or other resivour, and after the turbine is released as the huge clouds of steam near any power plant. This water never becomes contaminated, because after the break in w1, the sysstem is shut down before another break occurs.

Another fear is Nuclear weapons. It is true that some power plants allow the creation of Nuclear bombs, but why not outlaw those types of plants?

The most pressing problem is then, Nuclear waste.

Why not just bury it in a lead-lined concrete bunker .5 miles down that is monitored by the government?

Or a volcanoe? n the middle of nowhere? It was buried way under the earth anyway...

Anyway.. Now I'm bored.


Friday, July 15, 2005

The War on Drugs and other rants.

FYI Washington: It doesn't work!

Wonder why? Because you can't get rid of drugs permanently! "The War on {insert noun of your choice}" Never works. It always ends up wasting money. Sure, you can win a war against a country, maybe a war against a continent, but not against something like drugs.

If you are going to try to improve the situation, you should take the most cost-effective way out, right? Well, apparently Washington doesn't want to do that.

Here's a quiz:
The best way to get a druggie to stop doing drugs is:
(a) Jail Time
(b) Rehab
(c) Nothing. He'll get a calling from God, and pull out of it on his own.

If you chose (b), you're Right! Whoo!

Now, lets do a similar quiz, but this time it's CHEAPEST way:
The cheapest way to get a druggie to stop doing drugs is:
(a) Jail Time
(b) Rehab
(c) Both

The correct answer is (b).
It costs something like $200000 taxpayers dollars to send that druggie to Jail (Room + board) for a year, while it costs something like $20000 for that SAME druggie to get rehab to quit drugs.

Now, does Jail actually asses the problem? Nope. Rehab does... Rehab FIXES the problem (to an extent).

Now, with Washington handing out tax cuts every other week while spending something like $1B a day in Iraq, which is going to impact the deficit less? $1M (5 years) or 20 grand per druggie? Which solves the problem (more)?


RUN AND HIDE! The boogeyman is going to get you! Run away! WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE! AHHHHHHHH!

***Thank You. We now take you back to your regularly scheduled program of: “Fake and Faker: Real Reality”***

Remind you of anything? Maybe TERROR (WE ARE ALL GONNA DIE!). Oops, looks like I provided a view apart from what the government wants. Guantanamo, Here I come!

Once again, you CAN NOT WIN THIS WAR! Unfortunatley, there is no cost effective way out of this one besides, DROPPING IT! How about Bush admits to his first mistake and says, “Hey, I screwed up. We can’t win this war, so we are just going to improve security. Next time we invade, we won’t make crap up by shoving it down the CIA’s throat and just say, ‘We don’t like you. You are not a nice person, and we want your Oil for free so we are gonna invade you.’ I am sorry I caused you any trouble.”

Just stick with me for this next part.

Lets think about what good the DHS color thing does for us. Whenever someone somewhere is attacked by terror, we say “Run and hide” by turning up the color from Goldenrod to Tangerine. When we are being attacked, we say “OH MY GAWD! WE ARE GOING TO DIE” and turn the color up to Magenta (after changing our way of life). What is your response? Fear? What response does terror cause? Fear. Isn’t this a form of “terrorism” being performed by the government that declared war on it? Think about it. The purpose may have been good, but a terrorist will NEVER attack when the color is above goldenrod. Would you punch someone who has their hands up in defense instead of waiting three months when their hands are down? Not if you plan on being a suicide bomber. If you are going to kill your self to kill others, you might as well wait until it hurts them most!

The entire purpose of terrorism is to change your way of life through fear. Therefore, They already won. We completely changed our way of life after 9/11, not just improving security, because that was necessary, but forgetting (as Michael Moore calls it) our BS sense. When you are confronted by crap and think “BS!” We lost that when we declared war on terror.

That reminds me...

The "Iraq got Yellow cake from Nigeria" story was NOT approved by the CIA. They knew (and told Bush) that the source was highly unreliable and then they sent in an agent (before the war) and HE said it was crap!
