Wednesday, October 05, 2005


This guy is a moron, and probably lying.

Heres the story

Wow, One of two things has happened here.


a) He's lying, nobody will care in 3 months besides those morons in the south who get the original story, but not the "Whoops, we screwed up" story.

b)Doctors started out with a screwed up analysis, and he just lost some muscle function.

c)Well, I know that there are nly two, but screw that. The news overexaggerated it.

the most likely thing is c), because that makes the most sense, partially because the right hasn't jumped at the bait, screaming it across the nation at light-speed.

Okay, I don't want to post more now.

Say what ya think!


Scott said...

The right isn't totally pro-life. FOr exmaple, I'm pro-choice just like many lefties. The righties are mostly pro-lifers, but idk. I would expect that to be a liberal view. Seems backwards here. The environmentalists want to kill off the PVS ppl? idk. Just seems odd. The catholics want to play god and keep the people alive unnaturally but the treehuggers want to let them die. Whatever.

Motor.On said...

Thats interestingly correct.

Motor.On said...

I'm violently anti-war